In Germany, the most popular books for young adults (jungenbucher) are written by authors whose names are familiar to young readers around the world -- JK Rowling (author of you know who), Stephanie Meyer (currently the hottest YA author around thanks to the Twighlight Saga), Christopher Paolini (Eragon), and Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass). But among YA writers of supposedly German background, one of the best known is Morton Rhue.
Mr. Rhue’s first book, The Wave (Die Welle) was published in Germany in 1981 and quickly became required reading in many schools. It also sells well in the United States, and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. Since 1981, it has sold more than five million copies in Germany, and this past winter was released as a feature film Die Welle, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was the number one movie in Germany for nearly two months.
Mr. Rhue is known to be a reclusive author who only makes public appearances for a few weeks every other year when a new book of his is published in Germany. When he does come out in public, he is featured on TV and radio, in newspapers and magazines, and draws hundreds of fans who come to hear him read in bookstores.
Mr. Rhue’s first book, The Wave (Die Welle) was published in Germany in 1981 and quickly became required reading in many schools. It also sells well in the United States, and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. Since 1981, it has sold more than five million copies in Germany, and this past winter was released as a feature film Die Welle, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and was the number one movie in Germany for nearly two months.
Mr. Rhue is known to be a reclusive author who only makes public appearances for a few weeks every other year when a new book of his is published in Germany. When he does come out in public, he is featured on TV and radio, in newspapers and magazines, and draws hundreds of fans who come to hear him read in bookstores.
Other popular books by Mr. Rhue are Ich Knall Euch Ab!, Asphalt Tribe, and Boot Camp. Most recently, he toured the country to promote his newest book, Ghetto Kidz.
Some people have remarked on the remarkable physical similarity between Mr. Rhue and the American author Todd Strasser.
Some people have remarked on the remarkable physical similarity between Mr. Rhue and the American author Todd Strasser.
Mr. Bill says, "No way. Morton Rhue is much better looking."